You found a secret page on our site which will be updated regularly every week on thursday the same day as our blog!

On this secret page you will be able to hear some secrets and see some cool pictures which not many people can see. (and also some glitches that a lot of people know but have been forgotten or not been used for a long time!)

First i will like to start of with a cool picture. Look below:
Isn't it cool!

Want to know how i did it?
Well, i teleported in my nest and when i was becoming invisible i quickly teleported to inks orange peel.

Have a go and remember this page will be updated every week on Thursdays so dont forget!
(Also remember don't tell anyone about this page!)
Hi guys look at what i have this week.

I am huge:
Want to know how i did it.

Well first go to a place like inks or any other place where it allows you to use the bin cam. While it is loading quickly go to riggs paladium and click the tycoon machine. (dont have to be a bin tycoon). After 5-10 mins come out then use the big yellow stick on the big cam and drag it in the top right corner until you become huge!!

That is enough for this week.
Bye Weevils!

Hi Weevils!
Today i am going to show you my best time on every track :

Dirt Valley All Tracks Time

My first time where it is blue is my best time on Track 1.
My The second one is my best time on Track 2.
My last time is my best time on Track 3.